Solar System Centerville MA

Solar System Centerville MA
5.7 Kw

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Synergy Solar systems with battery backup and Never be without power again!!!

Let us design and install your new Solar system with Tesla "PowerWall" and never be without electricity again.

It automatically kicks on when the power goes down and can provide hours or days of electricity without ever having to buy fuel for it. It recharges itself by the SUN!

Email me for your free estimate: 

Friday, December 11, 2015

Big rebates for ductless heating and cooling systems in Massachusetts

Thinking of upgrading your heating and cooling system?
 Consider going with a cold climate ductless heat pump.

 Rebates for Ductless heat pumps have never been better. Along with the Masscec rebate you can receive a coolsmart rebate and a manufacturers rebate. Thinking of making a switch to a more efficient way to heat and cool your home, now is the time!

Consider this, if you heat with electric resistant heat, heat pumps can save you 50% or more on your heating costs. Along with providing room by room control for both heating and cooling.
Floor model

Current MassCEC rebate up to $3,750
Current coolsmart rebate up to $500
Manufacturers rebate up to  $500

MassCEC rebate is being reduced as of 1/1/2016 to a maximum of $2,500 

outdoor compressor

Friday, December 4, 2015

What solar leasing companies don't want you to know

How YOU can make money off of your solar system in Massachusetts

When presented with a solar leasing or PPA option, they never mention SREC's or tax credits.
That is because when you lease YOU do not get them, they do.
When purchasing your solar system these are YOURS!!!

30% Federal tax credit 
If you purchase your system you get a 30% federal tax credit for the total cost of the installed system

 What are SREC's?

(SREC's) Solar Renewable Energy Certificates

One SREC is issued for every 1,000Kw/hr's of energy created from a solar system.
That certificate is then sold to the utilities, with a current value of $285

Let's say you own your solar system and it creates 7,000
kw/hr's of energy annually. You not only get to use the energy created,($1,000-$1,750) reducing your electric bill but you also get to sell the 7 SREC's ($1,995) created from your system. 

Facts about SREC's*
All qualifying systems are eligible to sell SREC's for a period of 10 years
The price for SREC's decrease over the 10 year term 

year       value    7 SREC's     Total 10 year SREC income = $16,009
2016     $285     $1,995
2017     $271     $1,897
2018     $257     $1,799
2019     $244     $1,708
2020     $232     $1,624
2021     $221     $1,547
2022     $210     $1,470
2023     $199     $1,393
2024     $189     $1,323
2025     $179     $1,253

Energy Savings   no increase of energy costs are factored into these figures ($.20/KwHr)

year        Energy savings
1            $1,400
5            $7,000
10          $14,000
20          $28,000


6Kw system producing 7,000Kw/Hr's annually

Cost of system                ($30,000)
Federal tax credit            +  $9000
                                     = ($21,000)
MA state tax credit         +  $1,000
                                    =  ($20,000)
10 yr SREC income     +  $16,009  
                                    =    ($3,981)
10 yr energy savings    +  $14,000                                        
                                    =   $10,009            10 Year savings after paying for the system

20 year total savings $24,000
IF energy prices do not increase

20 year savings $34,000
If Energy costs rise by 2% annually 

Call me today for your free evaluation
Tom 508-524-4038

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Year End Solar Sale!!!

2015 Year End Solar Sale 

Synergy Home Energy Solutions 
Southeastern MA and Cape cod 

5,130 Kw solar system installed on your home for just $23,000*
Capable of producing 6,200 KwHr's of electricity annually ($1,364)**
1st yr SREC Income ($1,710)

What is included in this pricing?:     Complete Turnkey contract

American made solar modules
18-285 watt Solarworld modules (20 yr production warranty)
18- Solaredge power optimizers (25yr warranty)
1- 5 Kw Solaredge inverter (20 yr warranty, up-gradable to 25 yr)
Design and installation of the system (5yr installation warranty)
System that complies with and is eligible for NET-METERING
System that is eligible for SREC's and income from them
System that is eligible for 30% Federal Tax credit ($6,900)
System that is eligible for MA State Tax credit ($1,000)
All Local and Utility permitting for the project
20 year online live production tracking system
My 30+ years of construction and design experience, standing behind every project

Call Today for Your Free Evaluation 

5-51/2 Year Payback 

Energy Savings and Income numbers
Numbers do not reflect any potential increase in energy costs
The higher energy prices go the more you save.** 

Cost of system               $23,000
Federal tax credit         -$6,900
MA State tax credit     -$1,000
Cost after tax credits  =$15,100

Year #1
Energy savings     $1,364
SREC income      $1,710

annual energy savings Annual SREC income       $(15,100.00)
Yr 1                              $1,364.00                          $1,710.00        $(12,026.00)
YR 2                              $1,350.36                          $1,710.00           $(8,965.64)
YR 3                              $1,336.86                          $1,626.00           $(6,002.78)
YR 4                              $1,323.49                          $1,542.00           $(3,137.30)
YR 5                              $1,310.25                          $1,464.00              $(363.04)
YR 6                              $1,297.15                          $1,392.00             $2,326.11
YR 7                             $1,284.18                          $1,326.00             $4,936.29
YR 8                              $1,271.34                          $1,050.00             $7,257.62
YR 9                              $1,258.62                          $1,194.00             $9,710.25
 YR 10                              $1,246.04                          $1,134.00           $12,090.28
10 year savings           $12,090.28
15 year savings           $18,842.08
20 year savings           $25,730.28
25 year savings           $32,345.68

*Contract signed between now through December 31,2015

**Numbers based on $.22Kw/Hr electricity rates, which are average across most of MA
  Production is based on best case scenario and will fluctuate from site to site

*** Not included in this price: upgrading and/or additional electrical work, structural improvements to the roof, roofing shingle replacement. These may be needed and would be in addition to this offer.   

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Does solar work in Middleboro MA?

Is going solar in Middleboro Ma cost effective?

Middleboro Gas and Electric have great electricity rates. The average rate for electricity across the commonwealth is somewhere around $.18-23 Kw/Hr. Here in Middleboro our rate is around $.14 Kw/Hr. 30-50% lower than most of the state. Nice huh?!! 

This does make solar somewhat less attractive here in Middleboro than is does when the rater is higher.

Here is a quick breakdown of how solar works in Middleboro MA

For the purpose of this comparison I will use a 9,700 Kw solar system that produces around 12,000 Kw/Hr's of energy annually. Your homes annual energy usage can be determined by looking at your electric bill and adding up the previous 12 months of energy usage. This is almost always shown on your bill and this is an average for a typical MA home. A solar system of this size would cost around $45,000 to install on your home.

#1 Federal Tax credit
     The federal tax credit allows you to deduct 30% of the total cost of the solar installation and apply this to you taxes owed. This can be a little confusing but here is the skinny. This is not a tax rebate!! 30% of the cost of the system can be applied as tax debt paid. If your annual tax liability is more than 30% of the cost of the system and you paid this in taxes, you will get all of this money back at the end of the year. Tax credit can be rolled over in a 2 year period.
         For this example your reduction of federal tax liability would be 45,000 X .30 = $13,500 credited to your tax debt (see financial breakdown at the end) Consult a tax accountant for details of how this works.

#2 State tax credit
     Massachusetts has capped this tax credit at $1,000, you would receive at State tax credit of $1,000. If you live in MA and work here this will be fully deductible in the first year. Who works in MA and doesn't pay $1,000 or more in state income tax? LOL

#3 Net Metering 
            You can connect you solar system to the grid and get net metering. What is net metering you may ask? That is when your solar generator produces more power then you are currently using in your home and the excess power goes back into the grid. You get credited for this energy and get to use it at a later time. The meter on your home is different than the normal meter and can read energy both forward and backward. In other words energy sent back into the grid turns your meter backwards. At the end of the month you only get charged for the energy you used, more than the power you produced.

Example: your solar system produced 900 KwHr's during the month and your home used 1020KwHr's during the month. Your bill would only be for 220KwHr's, no matter when you produced or use the power. Some months during the year you may actually produce more energy than you use. This will result in a surplus on your energy bill. They don't pay you for this but credit it to your account for future use. This typically happens during the late spring and early fall, when solar production is high but energy usage is low.

#4 SREC's can be sold on the market. 
What are SREC's and how does this work? SREC's or solar renewable energy credits. SREC's are measured in 1,000Kw/Hr increments. If your system produces 12,000 Kw/Hr's of energy you receive 12 SREC's. SREC's are sold on the market to energy providers across the state. The SREC's generated from your system are eligible to be sold for a period of 10 years after your system is installed. The current years value of SREC's is around $285. A system producing 12 SREC's a this year would receive approximately $3,420 from selling the SREC's the first year. The value of your SREC's decline gradually over the 10 year period.

#5 Energy savings 
       A system that produces 12,000 Kw/Hr's annually would save a Middleboro resident about $1,680 in energy costs annually

Cost saving breakdown

Cost of system installed                         ($45,000)
Federal tax credit                                 +$13,500       You get this federal tax credit
Massachusetts tax credit                       +$1,000         You get this state tax credit
Costs after tax credits                           ($30,5000)
SREC income over 10 yr period.         +$27,368      You get this $ by selling the SREC's
cost of system after SREC's                = ($3,132)
Energy savings over 10 yr                  +$16,800      You save this much in energy costs( yr1-10)     10  year total savings of                      = $13,668
10-20 year energy saving                     +$16,800    You save this much in energy costs (yr 11-20) 
20 year savings of                               =$30,468  

In this scenario the system would pay for itself in just over 6 years
20 Year savings of $30,468 

20 year saving if energy costs do not increase from today's energy rate of $.14 Kw/Hr. It does also not account for increase in energy costs or reduction of system efficiency. These should at least balance out. System will loss about 1% of production annually and energy rates are likely to increase by 1% or more annually. Every home is different and the area of roof, orientation of the home, shading and roof slope all factor into the total energy a system will produce. This is estimated is prior to installation. This is completed with some tools and software that have been developed for this specific purpose and are very accurate. The system above is a best case scenario, with optimal conditions.

If you are interested in install solar on your home, call me for a free assessment and estimate.

Tom Pittsley 
Synergy home Energy Solutions

For more information about SREC's click on link below. We connect you to SREC trade and provide a full automated tracking and report system to ensure accurate accounting of energy produced.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Thinking about going Solar? PPA versus Buying

Are you thinking about going solar and want to find out more? There are lots of companies out there promoting solar and want your business. How can you filter through the muck, salesmen hype and figure out what works best for you?

Here is a breakdown of the 2 main options for installing solar on your home or business along with the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

PPA's Purchase Power Agreements
What is a purchase power agreement? How does it work and who benefits from this type of installation?

A "PPA" is a means, to get solar installed on you home or business with little or no investment for you. You agree to purchase the power coming from the solar system for a determined length of time. Typically 18-20 years.
       YOU DO NOT OWN the solar system but you get to reap SOME of the benefits of going solar. You still purchase the power coming from the solar panels but pay less than you would from your utility.
       Many companies are promoting that you will save up to $600 a year with this option (best case scenario). Let's take a look at how this plays out over time.

Savings; $600 x 20 years= $12,000 not to bad

Be aware that your energy costs will still continue rise as utilities raise there costs. You will continued to pay a reduced rate but your savings will never be more than $600 annually.


Little or no upfront costs
Savings on your energy bills
No maintenance


You do not own the system and do not get the tax credits
You do not get to receive the SREC income generated from your system
Minimal cost savings on your energy bills
Energy costs from the solar system will still continue to rise

Buying you solar system

Buying your solar system typically requires some kind of investment from you. At minimum a loan to pay for the system and installation. This may seem a little daunting to but lets take a look at the payoff in the long run. The cost estimate to build a system that would save you $600 on a PPA would cost around $45,000. Sounds like a lot but let's look at the numbers.

cost of system                $45,000
Federal tax credit          -$13,500     You get this when you purchase the system
after fed tax credit      =  $31,500

State tax credit (MA)     - $1,000     You get this when you purchase the system
                                       = $30,500

SREC income               -$27,500  Cash from selling the SREC's for the first 10 years of production

20 year savings   -$45,000
                           =$42,000   This is YOUR savings from purchasing a solar system.

You still own the system and it should continue to generate energy for years to come.
Did I mention that the solar system will add value to your home, If you own it. Approximately 90% of the post tax credit value is added to your home. ($27,000)


Big savings on your energy costs
cost of energy from the system will not rise
You get the tax credit
You get the SREC income
Added value to your home
Property Tax exemption


Up front costs

Synergy Home Energy Solutions does not offer PPA's for our customers.
We sell and install systems throughout southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod

Personalized professional care from start to finish.

Contact us today for a free over the phone solar analysis   508-524-4038

Solar systems are exempt from property tax increase.

*20 year energy savings, calculated at 12,000 KwHr's annual production with no increase in energy costs (current MA energy rate $.20 KwHr)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A conversation between Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone on energy, 1931

Just a little ahead of their times

Newton described a conversation between Thomas Edison, automobile manufacturer Henry Ford, and tire manufacturer Harvey Firestone. Edison began with a provocative remark about the possible depletion of resources in the future. Boldface has been added to excerpts: 2
“We are like tenant farmers, chopping down the fence around our house for fuel, when we should be using nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy—sun, wind, and tide.”
Firestone responded that oil and coal and wood couldn’t last forever. They’d been tackling rubber. He wondered how much hard research was going into harnessing the wind, for example. Windmills hadn’t changed much in a thousand years.”
Ford said there were enormously powerful tides—for example, the Bay of Fundy. Scientists had only been playing with the question so far.
Edison said, “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that. I wish I had more years left!”
 Quote Investigator: In 1987 the book “Uncommon Friends: Life with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Alexis Carrel, & Charles Lindbergh” was published. The author James D. Newton was a friend of each one of these prominent figures from history.

Energy in your home

How we use it, waste it and what we can do to change it 

                My goal in writing this blog is to help educate people about energy usage in their homes and how to reduce it. I will be writing about how we use energy in our homes and what steps, methods and system can be employed to lower your energy consumption.

This chart gives a basic overview of where energy is consumed in your home. I will follow up with more detailed information on each of the items listed in the chart below. Stay tuned lots of good information coming.
   I will be discussing, low hanging fruit, things you can complete on your own for little or no cost. Along with the deeper type of solutions for tackling the big items like heating, cooling and water heating. Types of energy used, and which ones cost more in the end.

How we use energy in our homes. Heating accounts for the biggest portion of your utility bills. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, AEO2014 Early Release Overview.